Devon and Cornwall Care Services
Devon & Cornwall Care Services (DACCS) provide care to individuals in their own homes covering Tavistock & Okehampton areas. Established since 2002 and with many years of experience within health and social care and well established within the community DACCS is a trusted provider to ensure that an individual can stay as long as they can, safely and comfortably in their own home. It is our objective to provide a service of the highest quality with person centred approach at the forefront. To ensure that service users right, choices and decisions are respected and adhered to so that the objectives outlined overleaf are met. Currently all staff would have achieved a Care Certificate which have 15 standards that care staff would have completed unless they have already a level 2 Dip in Health and Social Care or higher. At DACCS we encourage staff to achieve their Diplomas and demonstrate that health and social care is a career. We are fully aware of the importance of ensuring our staff are highly skilled and regularly update their knowledge through training including some of the following areas.